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DJ Yoshizawa dynamite .jp - DJ/PRODUCER 94〜02年迄”THEATRE BROOK”のメンバー(DJ)として活動後様々な国内外アーティストとの共演や全国各地のパーティーに招致されている。 「既存曲をそのままプレイするに飽き足らず、サンプラーを使用してのフィンガードラミングや和声ネタ挿入。スクラッチやエフェクターを使ったトリック・プレイにマイク・パフォーマンスをも交えたライヴ感120%なエンターテイメントDJ!」 HP:http://www.dynamite-jp.com/ Blog:http://yoshizawa.dynamite-jp.com/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/#!/DJ_dynamite_jp Born in Tokyo. Hooked to the Japanese music, “WAMONO” in recent years and released a huge number of WAMONO-remix CDs with the selection of unique focuses on the wonderful but still unrevealed Japanese sound sources. In 2015, a self-written and directed Japanese groove disc guide “Wamono A to Z” was published. It then brought about the directing tasks of a high-quality compilations CD and reissued as vinyls.Never get satisfied just by playing existing songs but with the perfect fusion of marvelous mic performance and unique DJ style in the trick plays with scratch and sampler for the sake of entertainment.

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