Greetings World! Greetings Family❤️ Unvaccinated-Untested-Corona Free- Indomitable-Awakened-Incorruptible Love, Music, Spirit, Awareness, Wisdom, Justice, Freedom, Peace, Hope, Respect, Faith and the Dance are the Keys in my Life! For 27 years I have mixed many different styles of music. My art is free without profit and only available on the Internet. Sharing is caring!! Music can open a closed person, it can unite people who don't even know each other. It can connect separated people and puts you in a good mood. You can live it, feel it and love it. Sincerely Shin❤️Anonymous Music▽ ❤️ Wisdom⚖️Justice🕊Freedom Supports!!! P.S.If you like the Music, then buy the artist's album or go to their concerts, so that they can continue releasing such beautiful Music!