Sandy Bay Social Club Artwork Image

Sandy Bay Social Club

Another Undercover Brother from the Sandy Bay Social Club, EdG, brings to you essential cuts chiefly from radio shows aired on Sandy Bay Social Club HQ is discovered along the Tutukaka coast of Aotearoa. The brothers (not by blood) raised West Auckland proud, play good sound to people around town & country in their own distinctive Reggae, HipHop, Soul stylee, These days spread over the world, from Titirangi to Avondale, Melbourne to Sao Paulo, and back to Browns Bay, they keep transmitting the positive vibe to those with ears. For over ten years Sandy Bay Social Club came together each and every Friday for the Friday Night Takeout on BaseFM, nowadays it's harder to hear the brothers undercover together. When The Sandy Bay Whanau is back in the dance, not a beat is missed, the good times got here before you, the bass lines roll low & loud for long time, and there are smiles on all dials. 7 Selectah's, Nuff Niceness, ALWAYS Fresh.

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