Ray Gago Artwork Image

Ray Gago

Mixes from the big pile of cassettes I've managed to collect over the past 35 years or so. For the audio geeks, the cassettes went through the following processes to clean them up: - 24dB of surface and system noise removed, frequency smoothing at 150Hz with an attack time of 15 milliseconds. - About +6dB of a bass shelf filter was added, threshold of 63Hz - They were then passed through a real-time Behringer Sound Maxer plug-in with 5dB of Process / 4dB of Low Contour added, with 0dB of gain. There are still some audio dropouts, slight stretches, distortion and other scars of being kept on a shelf for up to thirty years. Rather than attempt any kind of repair which would affect the integrity of the recordings, I've left these in place. Please play loud.

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