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Paul Scar

Paul Scar 敘述音樂旅程, 架構於顯微簡約中的細節。 The musical journey, as described by Paul Sar, is woven together from microscopically simplistic details. 多元聲響素材混搭延伸聽覺想像, 快轉慢放情緒濃縮,身心靈合為一體。 The blending of multiple sonic elements serves to expand the auditory awareness as the tensing and releasing pace of the music coalesces the mood with the merging of the mind, body, and soul. 專注實驗聲響景致的配樂混音佈置, 輕輕閉上眼睛欣賞,自在感應靈感。 While focusing on the mixing of sounds in the experimental soundscape, relax and enjoy with eyes closed and freely feel the inspiration flow.

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