Mathias von Wüstenberge Artwork Image

Mathias von Wüstenberge

MATHIAS VON WÜSTENBERGE is a French/Austrian DJ/Producer/Event manager and many more ... also known as Glatzenber & Busental or Mr.Baguette, but the list of his pseudos is going back to 1998 where he started performing as a DJ in France under the pseudo "Mc.Fly" ... later came names like Kojoack, Aladine or Mosquito_Petrole ... he took than the habit to change his name nearly every year. It camed from the necessity to avoid being placed in to a box labeled Funk, House, Dub, D'n'B or techno DJ. Worked for big Labels like EUTERPE (first electronic label in France) or VITAMINE (House label), later on in Austria with SUNSHINE. And places like RA'AN Club, QUEEN, SKYKITCHEN, WERK or latest the LICHTBOGEN wouldn't have been the same. "I love the idea to play tracks as i feel... ... with the only goal to make the dance floor burn." Play the best tracks, the latest releases and keep the good vibes ...

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