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Lyndon Livingstone

Lyndon ‘Stonez’ Livingstone, and his ‘Razorshop’ production studio, are best known for inventing a style of Caribbean house remix that set the standard for djs and producers since. DJ Lyndon took local artists’ biggest ‘soca’ hits, a form of Trinidadian party music heavy on drums, horns, iron and 120-170bpm energy, and fused a cappella renditions with drum machines, synths, dj live mixing skills, editing software and sample kits. The results were remixes and "road mixes" (extended mixes of songs specifically played ‘on the road’ over the two days of Carnival) unlike anything seen in the region before. The meeting of soca music and electronica was an unanticipated but perfect fit, but he didn't just stop there. His remixes gave soca music a fresh pulse outside of Carnival. He internationalized his style of remixing to jumping and waving masses of Caribbean peoples, from the streets of Port of Spain, Trinidad's capital, to chic multi-level nightclubs in New York, Toronto, London, Chicago

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