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Life with Jerry Banfield

I start every day with gratitude, prayer, and reading an inspirational book. Using that energy, I then make a podcast episode for you talking about what I do that helps me live a happy, peaceful, and productive life. Usually this includes a comparison to what I used to do in the past that made my life and the lives of those around me miserable. I am lucky to have survived to be here with you today. I work to serve you each day on my podcast! With millions of podcasts you could listen to, why would you want to give mine a try? You will love that my podcast is honestly created out of the love, hope, and faith I have inside me delivered to you in the form of practical tips and helpful ways of thinking right now that will give you the chance to feel this moment! You will enjoy that I make a new episode for you nearly every day! What I talk about is inspired by Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, Malcolm Gladwell, Timothy Ferriss, Robert T. Kiyosaki, Eric Ries, Stephen R. Covey, Perry Marshal

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