LEMON8 Artwork Image


Harry Lemon aka LEMON8 has been at the forefront of dance music both as a DJ and producer, whilst producing a soundtrack of a generation at the same time. Model8 - his first ever produced track from 1993 - is now being recognized as a classic and landmark in Techno and dance music in general. The Inner Sanctuary Sessions double album, solely consisting of his original music and remixes is now recognized as a highlight in Progressive House Music with tracks like New York, New York and Lose Control just to name a few. The latter was even voted all-time best record on the iconic Bedrock label in 2020 by the fans by a landslide. After having some time off, dealing with the pressure that comes with being an artist, 2020 and beyond is totally dedicated to being back on the road, presenting his latest productions, greatest hits and showcasing that Progressive House Music and MeloTech is not just about a label or style but about attitude. Cliff Bookings: [email protected]

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