North America Bookings: [email protected] Resume Baltimore Club Stats: Knucklehead Records Club Kingz Unruly The Wire Boiler Room Jersey Club Stats: I inspired the mind that sparked an entire movement. House Music Stats: Code Red Records Defected Records Turntablist Stats DMC ITF SUPERMAN / NMS
dj technics trap n twerk tuesdays show - 2-16-2021
dj technics throwback thursdays tte show 2-11-2021 pt 2
dj technics throwback thursdays tte show 2-11-2021
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dj technics tte show soth 2-2-2021 pt 1
dj technics baltimore club mix 2
dj technics reminisce bmore club 3-5-2020
DJ Technics Baltimore Club Session 8-14-2018
DJ Technics Back In The Day BBQ Mix 2-2-2018
DJ Technics Saturday Night Live 9-23-2017