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The Legend

Rock, Alternative, Indie and so much more. Songs from artists you love, Songs from artists you forgotton you love and songs from artists you will love but don't know it yet. Based near Reading, I am a music obsessive and have a passion for all things rock. When not DJ'ing I am often found in a live music venue. My knowledge and musical tastes extends far beyond the world of Rock n Roll and into many genres. Some of my proudest moments include winning the Pro Mobile conference music quiz hosted by ex Radio 1 DJ Mark Goodier. I have been interviewed on BBC6 music by Steve Lemacq and featured in industry music magazines. I have been a Branch Chairman for the National Association of DJ’s (NADJ) and I’ve educated other professional DJ’s on all things rock and guitar music. (As I tell clients and other DJ’s, there’s a lot more to Rock n Roll than just Living on a Prayer) Oh, i do weddings, parties and other functions as well.

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