Growing up in Houston,Tx Big DJ Moan, a 11 music veteran, was always a music video fanatic! From Madonna's Like A Virgin to Gwar's first album "Hell-O", right on down to the first hip-hop video he ever watched, Salt-N-Pepa's Push It. He's been engulfed with music. Constantly being seen with headphones and a tape deck in hand, his upbringing was musically enlightened. He began Djing professionally in 2003 on accident almost. Walking into a local night club in San Angelo, Tx looking for a job as a bouncer, he was hired on the spot as a DJ. Since then, he became focused and dedicated on becoming one of the best DJ talents in the state of Texas. Big DJ Moan has held spots at more than 20 different clubs from Dallas to West Texas and also even hosted 2 radio shows nationally. Big DJ Moan also has a mix tape series entitled Clearport Mixtape Radio with 22 mix tape releases and over 20,000 listens and downloads world wide. He has formed a DJ collective called King Of Clubs DJ Fraternity with

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