BHAVS (Bhavesh Ramlakan), who was previously in a duo known as “Bhavs and Krazyboy” with long time best friend and business partner Krazyboy (Jacob Goduka). Both members of the duo shared a common dream and ambition to conquer the industry with their young vibrant unique energy that pleased and appealed to crowds all over South Africa. After the tragic and unexpected passing of Krazyboy in December 2015, Bhavs was forced to pursue the dream of succeeding in the industry alone. Out of respect Bhavs abandoned the duo name of “Bhavs and Krazyboy” and opted to go for the name of “BHAVS”. “BHAVS” has now re-branded his image as a solo DJ and producer and his new image and concept incorporates the late Krazyboy within it. BHAVS is a young energetic and versatile DJ & Producer residing in the East of Johannesburg. His aim is to please diverse crowds all over South Africa through the music he plays. Contact & Bookings : [email protected]
Lockdown Essentials (vol.1) Mixed by BHAVS
BHAVS - (5FM Guest Mix) The Kyle Cassim Show
Bhavs and Krazyboy - #MyHouse 5FM 13.09.2015
Bhavs and Krazyboy - #MyHouse 5FM 26.07.2015
BHAVS - Ultra South Africa 2016 (Warm Up Mix)