Beat Mermaids Artwork Image

Beat Mermaids

FEMALE DJ COLLECTIVE SPINNING RAW GARAGE ROCK FROM THE 60s AND BEYOND! Known for their extreme ability to turn a normal evening into a raving freak-out! Beat Mermaids is an all girl vinyl DJ group playing music from the 1960s including garage, Beat & Psych. Feel free to contact us at [email protected]. The "Beat Mermaid Radio Show" is a Danish radio show focused on the 60s scene. It's all about music, events and a way of life! The "Beat Mermaid Radio show" is aired on Christianshavns Kanal 98,9 FM on the third Friday of every month - from 18.00 - 19.30 CET. Listen live from around the globe: (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID-19). Follow us at for events and updates.

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