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A transplanted Brit in Vancouver BC and host of MUCH ADO ABOUT BUGGER ALL on Flashback Alternatives which revels in classic to new Alternative music with all the subtlety of a half brick in the teeth, a lot of tongue in cheek and foot in mouth... It definitely does what it says on the tin. My main musical tastes are Punk, Darkwave, Goth & Industrial & love a good thundering drumbeat.... bacon & boobs for the ears!. Otherwise anything that grabs what passes for my mind's attention which tends to be like my sense of humour, dark & twisted. BUGGER ALL hits yer lug 'oles every Monday on at 9pm & midnight eastern (6pm & 9pm pacific) and repeats on Saturday at 9am eastern, 6am pacific (2pm in the UK) after which I will post it here. Join me on the FA homepage chat as the show airs for a play by play and say "eh up". You can also find me on Crackbook - and on Twatter @Limeygit. Cheers! LG

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