Who are we? Grassroots Takeover is a radical podcast and militant media platform. The show is hosted by activism addicts Alison Playford and Mark Weaver. What do we do? We bring you reports from political actions and discussions about social justice from the point of view of those making change happen. No, not politicians! We speak to people organising in communities, workplaces, universities, social centres, affinity groups and of course on the streets. WTF? Yeah, if there's a piece of civil disobedience or community action going on in London (or many other places) you can bet we're boogying around in it or we know people that are. We love people power and grassroots political action. We know that all the real change in the world has been made by everyday folks working together to take justice and freedom out of the hands of powerful elites, and we want to encourage as many people as possible to get involved and learn the beautiful art of revolution !