Have you ever thought, that once you open your eyes there will be a world about Anime? A team of chosen children gathered to make that dream come true. The outcome...Greek Otaku Radio...The first Anime Radio in Greece! People with different tastes, but with a common interest, came together for the first time in 2013 in order to create a daily life full of Anime, your favourite Japanese music and Live Shows for every different taste. Now, G.O. Radio (Greek Otaku Radio) has matured, aiming to promote the Japanese culture to the Greek audience. The members of the station decided to move on to greater aspirations and bring even more exclusive content to Japanese music fans, events and collaborations with everyone sharing their passion for Japanese culture. With expanded subject matter of Live shows and articles, not only every Greek Otaku has a home of his own, but also lovers of games, fantasy literature and Korean music will find what suits them!
Yumesuke _ Ryo Hazuki 9/11/2023
The anime side of the moon - Akamaki 12/10/2023
The anime side of the moon - Akamaki 30/11/2022
The anime side of the moon - Akamaki 23/11/2022
The anime side of the moon - Akamaki 09/11/2022
Ongaku Box - Linda 7/11/2022
The anime side of the moon - Akamaki 02/11/2022
The anime side of the moon - Akamaki, Mary sensei, Linda 28/06/2022 End of Season
Yumesuke - Ryo Hazuki 13/6/2022
Ongaku Box - Linda 16/5/2022