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Global Psychedelia

Psychedelic music from around the world streaming worldwide with your host The New Elastic Infinite! Playlists at A long, long time ago, at the first breath of the universe, a sound was made that sounded like the long exhale of the first note of Ohkami no Jikan's Koko from the album Psychedelic Atmosphere Beatnik. And the black cosmic soup reverberated in thick ecstatic swirls, oozed and echoed off its own galactic sludge, sparked and screamed and burst into sonic flames at the speed of the infinite. Thus was born The New Elastic Infinite, and with Zer a Universal Psychedelia that formed into myriad Global Psychedelias huddled, clustered, stunned and sunning, simultaneously expanding and contracting, cymbaling and thrumming, incessantly. Turn on. Tune in.

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